Dryly® bedwetting alarm with you out of bed - Dryly®

Dryly® bedwetting alarm to take with you out of the house

Staying out is always a fun affair and Wizzu loves to be invited to it!

The Dryly® bedwetting alarm is ideally suited for taking out of the house with you. Depending on your needs, you can use the system in 'online mode' or 'offline mode'. In the 'online mode' you can even grant temporary access to the adult who receives your child so that they receive a message! Also, you can then set an extra discreet alarm sound.

Below we will help you choose the approach that best suits the situation!

Briefly about offline and online mode

We recommend using the bedwetting alarm in online mode as much as possible because then you can take full advantage of features such as receiving an alarm notification in case of an accident, insight into battery levels and automatic urinary calendar recording.

If the bedwetting alarm receiver can connect to the stored WiFi network, it goes into online mode. The receiver connects via the Internet to the Dryly® bedwetting alarm app. If an accident occurs, it sends a notification to the Dryly® app via the Internet and you can support your child.

When the receiver is turned on in an environment where the stored WiFi network cannot be found, the receiver goes into offline mode. In this mode, the receiver is not connected to the Internet or the Dryly® app. If an accident happens, the receiver's alarm will go off and you will not receive a message.



Staying Out

When Wizzu comes along for sleepovers, you can set up the system in several ways. It is always important that your child bring the receiver, transmitter, underwear and possibly Wizzu the panda bear.

Offline mode

This is the simplest way where you don't have to connect to the Wi-Fi network.

  • Make sure the receiver is within three feet of the bed
  • Turn on the receiver
  • Check that the sound is on (switch all the way to the right)
  • Sleeping well

The advantage is that you don't have to deal with Wi-Fi passwords. A disadvantage is that the adult is not notified in case of an accident. Also, you cannot set off the alarm in a more discreet way. You can read more about this under 'online mode'.



Online fashion

You can also pair the receiver with the home network of the house where your child is staying out. For this, it is important that you let the receiver change wifi networks. If you want, you can invite the adult who will have your child stay over in the Dryly® app. This will give them (temporary) access to your family and they will receive a notification if an accident happens.

This is how you change the receiver's WiFi network:

  • Go to 'My Wizzu's' in the hamburger menu in the upper left corner
  • Select the recipient whose WiFi network you want to delete and press 'Delete'
  • Now you can pair the receiver on the new Wi-Fi network by pressing 'Pair'
  • At one point, you will be prompted to connect to the "Wizzu wifi network. This way, you can let the receiver know which wifi network and password to use.
  • Note that you turn the receiver off first and then on again. This puts the receiver into "pairing mode" for a few minutes

This is how you invite someone (temporarily) into your family:

  • Go to "Settings" in the hamburger menu at the top left.
  • Press 'Invite parent'
  • Enter name and email address. If you make the adult "administrator," they will have access to features such as the "Dashboard
  • The adult will now receive an email with the invitation
  • After the Dryly® app is downloaded (Android or iOS), the adult creates an account
  • The adult can now press the invitation to be admitted to the family
  • Be sure to set the alarm in your own Dryly® app to silent when your child is away from home.
  • After the sleepover, you can remove the adult's access again at 'Settings'.

We made a handy instructional video if you can't figure it out!

Moving out with the standard alarm sound

You can use the receiver in the "standard" way as you do at home. If an accident happens, the receiver's alarm goes off and sends a message to the Dryly® app. You can take the Dryly bedwetting alarm with you for peace of mind.



Dryly bedwetting alarm with you out of bed with an extra discreet alarm

As you have probably experienced by now, the alarm in the receiver can produce quite a bit of noise. Usually this is fine, but your child may not like it as much when he or she goes out to sleep in a strange house with friends. If your child is not a deep sleeper, the below can provide just that extra bit of relaxation.

For this way, you need an additional device or tablet with Internet or WiFi connection.

  • Install the Dryly® app
  • Then you can log in with an existing (parent) account or you can create your own account for your child
  • When creating an account for your child, don't forget to invite him or her to the family
  • Set the receiver to 'silent mode' by setting the switch in the center
  • If an accident occurs, the receiver's alarm will not sound, but it will send a message to all active devices in the "family. Your child's device also receives the message and will play the alarm sound

The alarm sound of a phone will be a lot less loud than the alarm sound of the receiver.

Do you have additional questions? We are here for you! Feel free to contact us within business hours so we can further assist you if you run into something.


Order your Dryly® bedwetting alarm

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