All about bladder development - Dryly®

All about bladder development

As a parent, you always try to make sure your child develops well. On some parts, unfortunately, you have little control such as bedwetting and will just have to let it happen. Bladder development is an example of this. In this blog, we take a closer look at what developments you can expect by age.

The bladder is a hollow muscle that temporarily stores urine from the kidneys. It is a spherical organ that is also compared to the shape of a pear. The muscles around the bladder relax as more urine builds up until it reaches its full capacity.

The normal bladder capacity of a child up to 10 years old can be calculated by calculating age in years x 30 + 30. In adults, it is between 350 to 500 milliliters. At this volume, the bladder sends a signal to your brain letting you know it is time to urinate.


A baby's bladder: reflexes & development

Development of the bladder basically begins at birth. In a newborn baby, the bladder functions completely independently. When the bladder is at a certain capacity, the pelvic floor muscles relax and the muscle in the wall of the bladder contracts.

The baby urinates until the bladder is completely empty. Because a baby does not yet have control from the brain over the function of its bladder, it urinates without regard to time or place.

Between 1 and 2 years of age: awareness

Between the first and second year, the child becomes aware that the capacity in the bladder increases each time until it is at a certain capacity. At the next step, the child learns step by step (or pee by pee) to cope better with the signals. As the bladder develops, it gradually manages to hold it up better until a more convenient time and place.

Children 3 years old and up: control & timing

Only once the child has full control over the tightening and relaxing of the sphincter can you expect control over the bladder. This generally happens between the second and third year of life and is also an important development of the bladder.

It also helps that around this age the capacity of the bladder increases considerably, making it easier to hold up the pee for a while.

Just because a child has control over the sphincter of the bladder does not guarantee that you will no longer have accidents! Like adults, the need to urinate becomes stronger and stronger as the bladder fills up. At some point, the bladder is at its limit and involuntary reflexes take over!

During this period, the child will become increasingly successful at holding up the pee which is also an important development of the bladder.

By the age of three, 75% of children are potty trained during the day.

Children over 4 years old: interruption of urination

From this age, there is voluntary control over whether or not to urinate correctly. It also succeeds in interrupting the jet during urination. This does not seem exciting at first, but it is the final stage before the basic elements of the system are reasonably complete.

A large proportion of children will be interested in going to sleep without a diaper on. From a psychological aspect, this is an important stage for the child because sleeping without a diaper is a huge step toward adulthood.

When you feel your child is ready, it is good to give them that responsibility so that a dry night feels like a personal victory! So now we are not only talking about a development of the bladder but also a development of the child himself.

By the age of four, 98% are potty trained during the day and 75% at night.

But my child still wets the bed!

No worries, no worries! Bladder development did go well and your child is not alone and it doesn't have to be a big deal at all! If your child is not potty trained before the age of five, it's a good idea to look into this a little more closely. Wondering how Dryly® can help with this? Then take a look here.


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