Guest blog: Unfortunately another wet night - Dryly®

Guest blog: Unfortunately another wet night

Are you dry? No wet mama. This is how an average morning goes for us. No matter what we do, our son Pieter keeps getting wet, every morning. The bedwetting never seems to stop! The mornings that Pieter doesn't have to shower are increasingly becoming the exception. It makes me hopeless. Everything starts to smell, quilts, the mattress and his cuddly toys. Another thing I keep asking myself is; when does he pee? Could we prevent it if we wake him up earlier in the morning or in the middle of the night? Of course, you don't wish any child a wet night.

The shelves of the Intertoys

I had hoped to find that out when we started using the traditional bedwetting alarm. But because Pieter found it so unpleasant to be woken up in the middle of his sleep, he pulled the alarm out of the wall and went back to sleep. So what happened during the night we didn't know, resulting in another wet night.

While using the bedwetting alarm, I used just about all the shelves at Intertoys as a reward method and it helped temporarily each time, but in the long run, unfortunately, a lego pack does not help against bedwetting and another wet night.


But what does help? I am convinced that as a parent I need more support to implement the method as intended. After visiting the urologist, we were told to get out of bed at night as well and support our Pieter in his battle against bedwetting at night as well. It would be nice to have a little more guidance as a parent in the process against bedwetting, would have saved me a lot of money in any case!

Wondering how our bedwetting alarm method does provide the solution against a wet night?

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