Bedwetting during Sinterklaas - Dryly®

Bedwetting during Sinterklaas

Time flies and Sinterklaas is back in the country. A super exciting time for children where you see that many children start bedwetting again during Sinterklaas and Christmas. This is mainly caused by stress. In December you see a peak when it comes to sleep problems. Fun tension can get finely out of control and how do you make sure the holiday month stays festive? Read more about bedwetting during sinterklaas in this blog.

Impressive days

During sleep, you process information and impressions gained during the day. This is an interplay between nerves and brain. During this processing, the brain may be less alert to the stimuli of a full bladder. A child who used to wake up by himself when he had to pee, then has a relapse (temporarily) and starts bedwetting again during sinterklaas.


Has your son or daughter become potty trained with the Dryly® bedwetting training and is he/she experiencing bedwetting during St. Nicholas or a relapse? When the Dryly® bedwetting alarm is used again, you often find that the signals are recognized more quickly and do not require an entire course to experience dry nights again soon. Often after 1 to 2 weeks of using the bedwetting alarm, positive results are quickly seen again. So make sure you keep the bedwetting alarm for a while longer! Of course, there are many more impressive days such as your child's birthday, the first day of school, a move or other moments. Bedwetting during St. Nicholas is just one of many moments here. With the Dryly® bedwetting alarm method, you can tackle these kinds of relapses in a timely manner and, through an effective way, you will soon have your dry nights again!

Are you not familiar with a bedwetting alarm?

Scientific research has shown that 93% of all children are potty-trained at night within 6 to 8 weeks when using the Dryly® bedwetting alarm. Not for nothing are many parents very positive about how the Dryly® bedwetting alarm works. Does your child still wet the bed daily and are you not familiar with a bedwetting alarm? Then read here what a bedwetting alarm can do for you! The bedwetting alarm Sinterklaas is an exciting time for children. Make sure you start using the bedwetting alarm beforehand, or when you start new training, it's just after this period. This will prevent a lot of stress when bedwetting during sinterklaas. The stress will be gone after this time and then you can start the training with more peace of mind. Curious about the packages? Check out the full offer here: Dryly® bedwetting packages



5 tips for kids against Saint stress:

1. Don't plan too many activities

Limit your Sinterklaas activities. Less is more, especially with children who are tight with tension. This tension in turn causes bedwetting during Sinterklaas. There is already so much about Sinterklaas at school, the BSO, the daycare center and everywhere else children frequent. Make up your mind where you do and don't go and how often you want to celebrate Saint Nicholas Eve. It's nice to have all those grandparents and St. Nicholas parties at work, but sometimes it's such an awful lot. That means that sometimes you have to say no to an appointment. Sad maybe, but it's better for your child. And don't worry, there's still plenty of St. Nicholas to celebrate.

2. Predictability/structure

Give your children structure during this exciting period, this will greatly reduce the chances of bedwetting during Sinterklaas. Make a calendar together with the day that Sinterklaas arrives, the days that the shoe can be put on and Christmas Eve. This way not everything is a complete surprise and your child knows what to expect, which in turn creates more peace of mind.

3. Create sufficient rest during the day as well

Be aware that there are a lot of impressions and stimuli in this period, give your child time to process everything. Build in plenty of rest in between activities, and perhaps skip an occasional activity if you find your child is getting in over his head. Try to maintain the normal sleeping and eating pattern as much as possible.

4. Don't make St. Nicholas a bogeyman

Sinterklaas is a fun but also important celebration for children. Make sure not to use it as a punishment. For example, don't say, ''If you don't eat your vegetables you won't get any presents from Sinterklaas.'' This may link the celebration to a punishment, making it negative or causing them to develop anxiety. This does not help your child's sleep.

5. Talk to your child

Find out what is going on in your child's mind: is he afraid, does he not want St. Nicholas and the Pieten to come into his house, does he not want to shake hands or not go to the entry? Then leave all that up to him and listen to his feelings and needs, this so that your child feels safe with you and does not experience St. Nicholas celebrations as just exciting.


Would you like advice during this period?

Would you like personal advice on using the Dryly® bedwetting alarm during this exciting time? Or do you have questions because your child has a relapse and starts bedwetting again during St. Nicholas? We can be reached by phone at Tel: 085 106 0377 (Mon-Fri 10:00-1700) and are happy to check with you! You can also always send an email with your questions to

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