Bedwetting child 7 years old

Bedwetting child 7 years old becomes quite a troublesome problem from the time your child is 7 years old. This is the age when the child may find it quite fun to sleep at a friend's house for a change. But yes, that diaper. The child begins to be ashamed of it. To get rid of bedwetting quickly and effectively, Dryly bedwetting alarm 7 years can be the solution. As many as 93% of all children who use the Dryly® bedwetting alarm are toilet trained within 6-8 weeks. Dryly, the help you need!



No illness

Bedwetting child 7 years old is not an illness. In almost all cases, it is a matter of delayed nighttime potty training. Bedwetting is only considered a "medical" problem by doctors when a child over the age of 7 still wets the bed at least once a month. It is only seen as a "medical" problem if the child also suffers from it himself. The medical term for bedwetting is "enuresis nocturna. Bedwetting almost never has a physical cause. Nevertheless, the family doctor or pediatrician will always try to rule it out anyway. If a physical cause has been ruled out, a bedwetting alarm for children 7 years old is one of the solutions against bedwetting.

Solutions against bedwetting child 7 years old

There are several solutions against bedwetting child 7 years old. Which method best suits the child depends very much on the needs of the child and the family. The bedwetting alarm child 7 years is the most recommended solution by doctors because of its long-term effect. Usually bedwetting does not stop from day one, but within 16 weeks you will see results.

Solutions other than the bedwetting alarm

There are other solutions besides a bedwetting alarm child 7 years old. Medication, for example. The advantage is that medication has an immediate effect. The kidneys stop producing urine. This is nice if the child is going to stay somewhere for a while. The medication does nothing else about the problem bedwetting child 7 years. If the child stops taking the medication there is a good chance that bedwetting will start again.

What can also be done, of course, is to wait. Per year, about 11 percent of bedwetting children spontaneously heal from bedwetting. The switch has been turned and the signals are suddenly recognized. However, we do not recommend this because it does not help the child's self-esteem. Children who bedwash do not want to stay with friends and feel very limited as a result.

Dryly bedwetting alarm child 7 years

There are several bedwetting alarms for children. However, Dryly bedwetting alarm child 7 years is one of a kind. Bedwetting child 7 years is a difficult problem that often causes a lot of frustration and emotion The first thing that sets Dryly bedwetting alarm child 7 years apart from other bedwetting alarms is positivity. We know from experience how difficult bedwetting can be for the child and also for the parents. Hence, we have developed a unique method based on the scientifically proven bedwetting method. Wizzu the panda bear added to our packages will support the child and make potty training less fraught.

Wizzu the Panda Bear takes the child on an adventure with games, a smile and just to give the child a hug when needed. In this way, dry nights can be worked on together. Of course, parental support is also necessary.

The insight that Dryly bedwetting alarm gives

Dryly bedwetting alarm child 7 years has another thing that makes it unique, namely the insight it gives. As a parent, you often only find out in the morning that the child has had an accident. Many children are embarrassed and do not tell you so sometimes it is not until the evening when the wet bed is found that it is clear that the child has wet the bed the night before.

Through our convenient mobile app, a signal goes directly to the phone when an accident occurs. This information can also be shared with the doctor so that he or she immediately has good insight into the child's bedwetting behavior. This can thus save a few visits and make it easier to solve bedwetting child 7 years.