Solutions to bedwetting

Your child is still regularly experiencing bedwetting even though you expected to be dry by this time. This can be very frustrating, but don't worry... This happens to more parents than you think... We've scoured the scientific articles for you to answer all your questions and even get you started on the possible solutions to bedwetting!



It is normal for young children to pee in their beds so solutions to bedwetting do not have to be picked up right from infancy. In general, children between 2 and 4 years old learn to hold up their pee during the day, but it is a bit more difficult in the evening. Scientific studies show that 15% of 5-year-olds still regularly wet the bed. For 6- to 8-year-olds, this happens to 6% to 8% of children. There are numerous reasons why your child may still wet the bed. In this article you will find all the information you need to undertake solutions against bedwetting!

What is bedwetting?

Bedwetting is an annoying and energy-consuming problem. Children sleep worse and become insecure from bedwetting; their self-esteem goes down. Parents of children who bedwash often feel they are failing themselves. It is very important to look for possible solutions to bedwetting at a moment's notice. And while that sounds easy, it is far from it.

Bedwetting, also called nocturnal incontinence, is spoken of when a child unconsciously empties the bladder while sleeping. This is only considered problematic when the child is of an age where it can reasonably be expected to no longer occur.

The Dutch College of General Practitioners has established the following guidelines:

  • 5 years or older
  • Bedwetting happens at least twice a week
  • Over a period of three months


  • 7 years or older
  • Bedwetting happens at least once a week
  • Over a period of three months

Don't worry if your child falls into any of the above criteria because we explain the solutions to bedwetting below. Many children wet the bed and most of the time it can be dealt with effectively. It is important to get a better idea of the possible causes. Therefore, this is the time to explore solutions against bedwetting.

Daytime housekeeping

The most important thing is for a child to be virtually potty-trained during the day. If your child still wears diapers during the day, there is no point in seeking solutions against bedwetting. It is also very important that your child wants to be dry at night. There must be a certain motivation in your child himself.

In all solutions to bedwetting, the goal is to change a certain pattern. A child must recognize the stimulus of a full bladder and get the thought of going to the toilet himself. So the solution against bedwetting has two sides. On the one hand, your child must recognize the stimulus of a full bladder while sleeping and on the other hand, the child must have the will to go to the toilet (out of your warm bed...that is always annoying).