Here's how to clean urine stains in your mattress after bedwetting - Dryly®

Here's how to clean urine stains in your mattress after bedwetting

Urine stains in your mattress? It happens to the best of us, you already have a mattress protector for your children's mattress, but you didn't count on the fact that just on that one night in bed with mom and dad an accident would happen... Bedwetting is unfortunately more common than you think and you'd better be prepared.

If you catch it soon enough, you're in luck, as it's a lot easier to remove damp urine stains in your mattress. We tested everything out with this article as a result!



What do you need.

  • Cleaning cloth, towel or kitchen roll
  • Baking soda (soda)
  • Spoon
  • White vinegar, detergent or other cleaning agent
  • Plant sprayer, atomizer
  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Possibly a fan

Order a mattress protector for next time!

You know that story about the donkey and the stone? Urine stains prevention is better than cure! A good mattress protector is inexpensive and prevents a lot of hassle.

  1. Remove the bedding
    Remove the bedding from your mattress to prevent it from also getting into your cover, for example. If it is already too late, it is a good idea to clean it immediately.
  2. Dab up as much urine as possible with a cloth
    If you are (un)lucky enough to discover the urine stains in your mattress shortly after it happened, the key is to dab them up as soon as possible!

    Take an old and dry cloth and dab it into the mattress with some force to dab up as much urine as possible before it penetrates further into the mattress. Keep dabbing until the mattress feels damp to the touch at most. It is a good idea to alternate between several cloths so that you avoid making it too moist.

    Above all, do not rub! This will only pull the liquid deeper into the mattress.
  3. Use a liquid cleaner to remove the smell
    You managed to dab away most of it with a towel, now comes the time to prevent permanent damage. You can use several types of solutions. It mainly depends on what you have in the house and how aggressive/environmentally friendly you like it.

    Let the solution take effect for 5 to 10 minutes before moving to the next step.

Bacteria-based cleaning agent/ natural enzymes

'Enzyme-based' products are a less aggressive way to tackle urine stains in your mattress. These agents contain bacteria in addition to wax-active substances. These bacteria form enzymes that do not mask the odor, but remove it effectively.

When there are enzymes in a cleaning product, it often reduces the proportion of wax- and surfactants, which in turn has a good impact on the environment!

White vinegar with warm water

Urine stains in your mattress can be gotten rid of with white vinegar and warm water. White vinegar is known to neutralize odors and reduce stains. Although vinegar has quite a strong smell, this will dissipate over time.

You can use this pure, but we recommend diluting it one-to-one with water. This will keep it effective without an overly intense vinegar smell.

Use a water sprayer or atomizer and sufficiently moisten the mattress without getting it soaking wet!

Hot water detergent

Detergent is your best friend when it comes to removing a urine odor and urine stains in your mattress. Mix a few spoonfuls of detergent in a bowl with warm water and pour or spray on the affected area.

Again, it's best to add a dash of white vinegar.

Sprinkle baking soda over the stain

Grab a bag of baking soda and sprinkle a generous and equal amount over the urine stains in your mattress. Above all, don't worry that it is too much, because generally soda is harmless to the mattress. Check carefully that the soda covers all of the stain!

Ideally, you should leave it on for 8 hours so that the soda can kill all the bacteria and neutralize the odor. If you have sprinkled enough soda, it will also absorb a good amount of moisture.

After 8 hours, you can vacuum up the soda with a brush and a vacuum cleaner. If you find that the mattress is still a little damp, you can use a fan or hair dryer to dry it out.


Once the mattress is completely dry, you can use your favorite clothing or air freshener to welcome your mattress back into the family!


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