The influence of phones and tablets on bedwetting - Dryly®

The influence of phones and tablets on bedwetting


Every parent struggles with the use of cell phones and tablets. Just what is a sensible balance between using these devices and living off-line. Recent research suggests that the use of these devices affects bedwetting in young children.

Bedwetting(Enuresis Nocturna) is a condition in which children wet their beds several times a month. It is considered a problem when a child is around 6 - 7 years old. There was a lot of talk about whether the use of phones and tablets would affect the likelihood of bedwetting. A scientific study on this was conducted in June 2019.



Research design

Two groups were compared, a group that spent more than three hours a day on a device and a group that spent less than three hours on a device.

A group of 138 individuals who suffered from bedwetting and a control group of 104 patients were formed.

Patients were exposed to communication devices such as phones and tablets for more than 3 hours a day until one hour before bedtime. The control group was exposed to communication devices for less than three hours and more than one hour not before bedtime.

Outcome on influence of phones and tablets

The group that was exposed to digital communication devices for more than three hours a day urinated in bed significantly more often than the group that was exposed to them for less than three hours.

Thus, it is advisable for children who urinate in bed to spend less than three hours a day behind a screen. Playing outside in good weather is a good alternative, but indoor puzzles or playing with Kapla and Lego is also wonderful for them.


Bedwetting is hugely annoying for children; it affects self-confidence and inhibits children's development. Children like to stay with each other or go to camp with the class. It is nice when a child can move freely and not be afraid of falling out of the group.


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