Our bedwetting alarm succeeds with these 10 rules - Dryly®

Our bedwetting alarm succeeds with these 10 rules

Did you just buy, or are you considering buying, a bedwetting alarm? This list of golden rules was compiled using the experiences of thousands of people who have gone before you! If you apply these points consistently you will greatly increase the effectiveness of the bedwetting alarm method!

1. Use a user-friendly alarm

Nowadays, children have a very different perception of ease of use than we used to have. Therefore, it is good to use a system that meets some minimum requirements that contemporary children have.

Wires and loud analog alarms are old-fashioned, and nowadays you have to be able to personalize everything. If you meet these minimum requirements you already have your child in it, and our bedwetting alarm meets these requirements!

2. Motivate your child daily

To successfully use the bedwetting alarm method, it is hugely important that you explain to your child that the bedwetting alarm is going to help against bedwetting. The main goal is for your child to wake up when they need to pee and finish the pee on the toilet. Explain that the bedwetting alarm can only work if the child gives his full effort and cooperation!

It may seem logical, but it is difficult for a child to realize that over 14% of 6-year-olds still regularly wet the bed. Regularly make it clear that your child is not alone! Show that you as caregivers together and the bedwetting alarm support the child and thus motivate him greatly.

3. Involve your child in unpacking and setting the alarm

We are sending a fantastic Dryly® Bedwetting Alarm that will make your child extremely happy! Take advantage of this by unwrapping the package with your child. Our sweet panda, Wizzu, will be instantly delighted! When a child is involved from the beginning, it increases the acceptance and therefore the success rate of the method.

Set up the system together and do a test by dropping some water on the underwear and immediately practice going to the bathroom. By doing this with a smile and a positive attitude, the child will be totally into this!

4. Discuss bedtime routine

It is hugely important that your child follows a routine in which you control all the variables to prevent bedwetting. In addition to the physical effects of urination and limited fluid intake, you also ensure that your child goes to bed in a relaxed state of mind ... that's worth something too right?

It is not that only the bedwetting alarm helps against bedwetting, the human aspect, trust and

5. Set realistic goals

Chances are that bedwetting will not be solved by day one, and the bedwetting alarm works best when combined with setting realistic goals. Science has proven that it can take an average of two months for your child to be dry for two consecutive weeks. This is perfectly normal because it can be a deep-seated problem.

Share this information with your child so that you don't put too much pressure and create negative energy. A setback is very normal in a learning process. Let effort be the measure by which you can reward or address your child.

6. Show commitment

The bedwetting alarm only really works when you get involved as a caregiver! Just assume that every time the alarm goes off you have to pay a visit to your child. Of course, this is pretty tough in the middle of the night, but it does help you and your child on your way to worry-free nights.

It often happens that your child does not wake up to the alarm the first few nights. Gently wake your child with the alarm still on so that habituation occurs.


7. Reward your child for effort

It is good to ask yourself what you want to reward your child for. The risk in rewarding for dry nights is that your child may feel punished if there is no reward for an accident. This, of course, is not the intention! The starting point is that your child is bothered by it and doesn't do it on purpose!

Our philosophy is that your child should be rewarded for effort, not for results. Try to reward your child in such a way that he or she notices that a dry night is great and that a wet night is part of the process.

Praise your child when they put on their own underwear, wake up or bravely stick to their sleep routine!

8. Involve your child in the consequences of bedwetting

As indicated, the bedwetting alarm does not work on its own. Introduce your child to the consequences of bedwetting in a nuanced way. Change the bed together or do a special wash together to get the bedding clean again.

9. Dry? Continue the method!

Try to achieve 14 consecutive dry nights. It has been proven that you get better results if you "over train" to really establish the conditioning in the brain. Perhaps your child is convinced that the problem has been solved, but for his own good, it's good to keep going anyway. Since you are near the end of the program, you might consider offering a nice reward in return! You will find that the bedwetting alarm helps and can look back on the past period with pride.

10. Take advantage of our support

Have a question about your child's fluid intake or are you struggling with something else? Our experts in the office know all about this and are happy to help.

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